Grand City Dentistry

(616) 459-0478

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Not sure what type of dentist your child should see? Visiting a children's dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, offers important benefits for your child's oral health. Luckily, Dr. Daniel Grode of Beckwith Family Dental Care, offers expert care for young patients.

Why your child should see a children's dentist in Grand Rapids, MI

When your child sees a kid's dentist, they will benefit from:

  • Specialized Care: Children's dentists understand the unique oral health care needs of toddlers, children, and teens. During your child's visits, the dentist will evaluate the growth and development of their teeth and jaw. If problems are spotted, early intervention will prevent problems that could become lifelong issues without appropriate treatment. As your child grows, your dentist may recommend special treatments, such as braces to straighten crooked teeth or sealants that prevent cavities in your child's back teeth.
  • Preventive Treatment and Care: It's usually easier to prevent a problem than to treat it. Scheduling regular dental cleanings will help your child avoid cavities and gum disease. Unfortunately, you're never too young to have a cavity or gum disease. Dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar, two substances that build up on the teeth and increase your child's risk of developing tooth decay or sore, inflamed gums. Cleanings, in addition to daily brushing and flossing at home, will help you protect your child's smile.
  • Friendly, Compassionate Visits: Visiting the dentist can be a little stressful for even the most confident toddler or young child. A children's dentist understands your child's fears and takes the time to reassure them during visits. Early visits are aimed at improving your child's comfort during trips to the dental office. The dentist will explain every step of the examination or treatment process in age-appropriate language and show your kids how the dental equipment operates. The dentist can also offer a few suggestions that may make brushing and flossing at home a little easier.

Does your child need to see a children's dentist in Grand Rapids, MI? Call (616) 459-0478 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Grode of Beckwith Family Dental Care.

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